Have I Got News For You Wiki
Have I Got News For You Wiki

When Roy Hattersley failed to appear for the 4 June 1993 episode — it was the third time he had cancelled at the last minute — he was replaced with a tub of lard (credited as "The Rt. Hon. Tub of Lard MP"), as it was "liable to give much the same performance and imbued with many of the same qualities".

The Tub of Lard was on Merton's team, which went on to win, supposedly despite attempts by Deayton to tip the balance in Hislop's favour, including replacing all of Merton's 'Missing Words' with extracts from foreign language newspapers, and a tabloid headline completely blanked out.

In July 2022, Tub of Lard started a Twitter account, and won a by-election unopposed in the constituency of Little Upper Chipping Stortford on the Mimms.[1]

